ReGenerOsa Collective
Strengthening the people, projects, and processes that steward 2.5% of the Earth’s biodiversity.
The ReGenerOsa Collective raises funds and other forms of support for its bioregional fund to then redistribute to local people, projects, and processes that are working to protect and restore one of the most biodiverse places in the world, the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica. This restorative work benefits all species that call this area home – totaling 2.5% of the Earth’s entire biodiversity! The Osa is a transformative place where people are still a minority species, and their traditional ways of living steward the rich biodiversity that surrounds them.
Every step that surfaces as the next step to take is guided by regenerative principles that foster inclusivity, respect, humility, equity, and stewardship. With your help, we can promote our work of bringing about a fair, equitable, and restorative economy that benefits all life. We apply the Flow Funding model and participatory frameworks, supporting place-based people, projects, and processes to bring much-needed support to communities that still know what living in a harmonious relationship with a place means. The Osa is one of the few places on Earth where such a dynamic is still present. Many are recognising the importance for humanity at large to nurture the wisdom hidden in these dynamics in order for current and future generations to thrive.
We recently distributed our first round of funding. This was a great proof of concept demonstrating the various forms of support our members are in need of. We have deep relationships with all the stakeholders involved, ranging from applicants, grantees, ambassadors, investors, and organizations. By multiplying financial and non-financial resources, we meet as many needs as possible. We provide collaborative spaces, individual project support, personal support, etc.
The Osa Peninsula is one of the most economically disenfranchised regions of Costa Rica, facing many challenges from external forces of modernization. These pressures include extractive tourism, chemical farming, and other harmful activities to this fragile ecosystem.
RegenerOsa’s vision and work is to shift this trend by focusing on a regenerative economy that offers opportunities to revive the natural ecosystem. By funding meaningful work for local people in service to their community and growing organic food, we demonstrate that it serves to be the best steward possible of their community, the land and all its inhabitants. This work can be a great example to other local economies around the world.
Your support of The RegenOsa Collective goes a long way to preserve and restore one of Earth’s most fragile ecosystems.
Join the ReGenerOsa Collective today!
Donations can be accepted from around the world.
Donations made through our US-based fiscal sponsor, the Abundant Earth Foundation, are tax-deductible to US taxpayers.
For all Paypal or Credit Card donations, please use the form below.
For Venmo donations, use @abundantearthfoundation
Checks may be mailed to Abundant Earth Foundation
PO Box 2505, McKinleyville, CA 95519, USA.
Please make a note of ReGenerOsa in the memo line.
Contact Info@abundantearthfoundation.org to arrange Crypto or other specialty forms of donations.