Celebrating International Compost Awareness Week

Let’s Celebrate International Compost Awareness Week!

Did you know that food leftovers and garden waste together make up 30% of our waste? We can easily turn this common waste into compost. If we make compost at home on our balcony or in our garden, we will not add to mountains of trash. And as a result, we can protect the world from the toxic methane gas released in landfills.


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April Perma Youth Americas Festival

Permaculture comes from Indigenous culture and wisdom.

During this festival, we received feedback from the youth and we had the honor to hear from Bryan Deans of OLCERI and John A Lago Gonzalez of Tierra Nueva, Puerto Rico. We started the April festival by acknowledging and paying honor to the lands we live on and the elder’s past, present, and future.


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Categorize SDGs by Groups for More Impact

Sometimes, less is more.

Having 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be overwhelming and ineffective. The success of many of the goals is entirely dependent on the success of others, and to separate them individually distorts the reality of the interconnectedness of the goals. To make the SDGs more digestible, effective, and appealing, we propose condensing them into 6 Groups. By having the same amount of goals, but with manageable categorization, it will be easier to communicate specific visions of what needs to be done and how to do it.


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Read more about the article Celebrating the Lives of International Female Environmentalists
Travel and roll - Perma in India

Celebrating the Lives of International Female Environmentalists

We are grateful for their contributions.

Sometimes we believe that the actions of a few can not possibly impact entire communities or generations. We are honored and grateful to share the stories of women who directly and indirectly impacted the lives of people within their own communities with rippling effects felt around the world.


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