Permaculture comes from Indigenous culture and wisdom.
During this festival, we received feedback from the youth and we had the honor to hear from Bryan Deans of OLCERI and John A Lago Gonzalez of Tierra Nueva, Puerto Rico. We started the April festival by acknowledging and paying honor to the lands we live on and the elder’s past, present, and future.
Here are several interesting resources that may provide information about the ancestors of your land. ( (put in zip or city, state and country)
Text your zip code to 1-855-917-5263 (just put in your address) – shows how to do a land acknowledgment and you can find different land information here as well.

Bryan Deans of OLCERI,
He shared important knowledge and wisdom about the work that is being done to preserve the knowledge of the indigenous cultures. He talked extensively about Vision 7-7-300.
The Indigenous Wisdom Center – YouTube this is the video that explains a little more about the 7 Tenets to Guide the Next 7 Generations, over 300 years (7-7-300). Vision: 7-7-300 — OLCERI
He expressed concern that the Lakota people are going extinct.
Permaculture comes from Indigenous culture and wisdom.

John A Lago Gonzalez of Tierra Nueva
Tierra Nueva | Puerto Rico | Permaculture (
John went to the University of South Florida and after his Permaculture course he gained free access to a garden plot. sized was about 2×4’., which he used to create a mini earth works with trenches and then filled in the trenches with plants for more space.
He propagates and shares information about permaculture including indigenous wisdom and also teachers a sight analysis.
April 22nd is Earth Day
This Earth Day we are focusing on tiny gardens. Send us your tiny garden projects you did that support Earth Day.
Next Global Permayouth Festival: Friday, May 2nd
Celebrating International Permaculture Day
Visit for more information!
Next Permayouth Americas Festival: Friday, May 14th
The Principle for this month: Use and value renewable resources and services -Brennan Blazer Bird is a Natural Builder.